Sunday, April 15, 2012

oh, the little joy of farming

so, when you are farming, you will discover unexpected junk, insects, and stuff. You will even get to drink free drinks bought by your caring, nice friends! :) these little joyful things help you keep going on with your farming under the scorching sun and unbearable heat. 

unidentified plant! which looks like ginsing, a ridiculously expensive plant, mostly raised in countries in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam) that is supposed to make you healthier. 

my best friend brought drinks for us, me and my farming-friends! 

random chain that I found while plowing the ground. people should not throw away stuff/junk into the ground! what's the point of having a trash bin? 

my hair all messed up because of the massive plowing! haha :C 

we found a frog in our garden! I just love these random things that crawl out of the garden! 

okay, this is like seemingly the most random picture but this hole is so awesome! this hole (we did not dig in. we just found it!) As you can see in the pictures below, we pushed in a long stick inside the hole and the stick just right got in it! it seemed like it did not have an end. 

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