Wednesday, May 16, 2012

hanging bottle garden

I am finally done with my APs! (But still, I've got a bigger one coming, the SATs!) I know I focused on farming classical farms but there are various types of organic farming gardens out there. For example, Hanging Bottle Gardens, the one that our school is thinking about on doing. I am thinking most of you are unaware of these unique garden types.
Because hanging bottle gardens require recycled soda bottles, these gardens are not only artistic and 'delicious' but also environmentally friendly.
I will most definitely post my own article/journal on hanging bottle gardens, very soon, but before I do that, I'd just like to give you a preview on what exactly hanging bottle gardens are and how to make them. The article below is from I did not add anything more in it, I simply copy and pasted it. All the copyrights of the article below belong to the writer of this very useful instruction manualish article, Mike Lieberman.

Post image for How to Make a Hanging Herb Garden Using Recycled Soda Bottles
The idea of the hanging garden planter using a soda bottle came after my unsuccessful attempts at upside down vegetable gardening.
One of my readers, Craig Stanton, left a comment saying that I should put the cap back on and grow the vegetables out of the top. That seems so obvious, but I didn’t think of it at all and they’re also easy to make.
These hanging garden planters are a great low cost way to start your own home vegetable garden. You can hang them in a window, on your balcony or anywhere that gets sunlight. I was able to put them on the rails of my fire escape garden.
    Here’s what you’ll need to make one:
  • Tools and materials 2L soda bottle
  • Duct tape
  • Razor
  • Hole puncher
  • Thick twine or thin rope
  • Drill or something to poke hole in bottle cap
  • Use razor to cut off bottom third or so of soda bottle.
  • Wrap duct tape around the bottom part of the soda bottle. Make sure that half of the duct tape is on the bottle and half is above it.
  • Cut slits about 2-3″ apart in the duct tape and fold over.
  • Punch two holes about halfway down the duct tape. Cut two more on the opposite side.
  • Cut string and thread through two of the holes form the outside in. Do the same on the other side.
  • Drill hole in soda bottle cap to allow for drainage and screw back on.

more sources to check out:


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